
Things to Remember

The past cannot be changed. Opinions do not define your reality. Everyone’s journey is different. Things get better with time. Judgments reveal character. Overthinking leads to frustration. Happiness is found within. Positive thoughts create positive change. Smiles are contagious. Kindness is free. What goes around comes around. You only fail if you quit.



The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Train your mind to see the good in everything. Negativity is a dead end and never leads to success. Positivity is your responsibility, positivity is a choice. Remember, where you are headed is more important than where you were. That’s why the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror.


Bearer of Light

Never let a hater ruin your day. Just be thankful you aren’t them, that you don’t have their life and that, however imperfect your life is, yours is better, because you aren’t hate-filled and miserable. The only thing haters have going for them is to somehow affect you, don’t give them that power. Let haters stew in their own hateful juices. Misery loves company but so does happiness and so does love. It’s up to you what happens next, it’s up to you what happens now. Even if the world is falling apart around you, you can be a bearer of light. It’s up to you. Everything is up to you.


When the World is Dark

Everyone’s always asking how old I am and they’re rendered shocked and speechless when I tell them I’m 46. Then they wanna know what’s my secret, and my secret, besides being Asian, is this: The key to staying fresh and looking young as you get older is to keep learning and to keep having fun. Don’t let bitterness overtake your heart. Don’t focus on the negative. Be positive. Be humorous, creative, compassionate and loving. Shine your light always, especially when the world is dark. Love everyone that deserves it, and tell anyone that dislikes or disapproves of you to fuck off.


How Brightly You Shine

The goal is not to be loved and accepted by everyone. The goal is to continually become someone you yourself would admire and respect. Be the person you want to know and meet. Work every day to earn the love and appreciation first from yourself and second from those you enjoy and genuinely care about. Your worth and importance is your prerogative. You determine how beautiful you are. How brightly you shine is up to you.


Things to Remember

Things to remember:

The past cannot be changed. Opinions do not define your reality. Everyone’s journey is different. Things get better with time. Judgments reveal character. Overthinking leads to sadness. Happiness is found within. Positive thoughts create positive change. Smiles are contagious. Kindness is free. What goes around comes around. You only fail if you quit.


What Can You Do

What can you do to make yourself better, and your life better? What can you do to help make this world better, not just for your own sake, but for the sake of everyone? These are the most important questions that you can ask. Because whatever the answers are, that’s what you should be doing. That’s your purpose. That’s where you’ll find meaning.


Face Your Fears

If you fear germs you get sick. If you fear animals you set them off. If you fear others you make enemies and you miss out on friendship. If you fear responsibility you shrivel. If you fear risks you have regrets. If you fear change you won’t grow. If you fear love you’ll end up alone. Face your fears before it’s too late.


Someone You Love

Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love. Choose yourself over your bad habits. Self appreciation, acknowledgment, respect, tenderness, discipline and work are crucial to true health and happiness. There’s only one you. Take care of yourself and celebrate yourself, don’t wait for or rely on someone else to do it for you. (Because if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell, et cetera, et cetera).


Life is a Beautiful Adventure

It’s wrong to be a freeloading mooch but it’s also wrong to be greedy and selfish. Be generous but don’t let people take advantage of you. Be nice and be kind but don’t be a doormat. Be good but don’t be dull. Be bad but don’t be a piece of shit. Also don’t forget to have fun. Life is a beautiful adventure, not some kind of unending punishment, or a fucking funeral, so slay, bitch, slay. Living your best life is up to you. No one is going to do it for you.


Love is The Answer

When she says I’m fine she is not fine. If she says nothing’s wrong everything is. When you are fighting and she walks away you must go after her. Everything takes effort, even love, the harder you love, the better love is. You cannot live if you don’t forgive. To stay young, you must stay positive. Every day is a new chance to improve, if things get better or if things get worse is up to you. Bitterness is the same as death. Everything good is on the other side of apathy and fear, and love is the answer, because love is all there is.



There is a frequency that is unique to you and your job is to locate it. There is so much noise around you, so many influences, but where you want to be is in your own natural frequency, in your own natural energy source. You have to locate it, and you locate it through stillness. Be still and listen to your body, listen to your gut, listen to your heart. Listen for that frequency. It’s there. You’re connected to it. Create space in your consciousness for your frequency to shine. That’s what owning yourself is. Owning who you are is what it all comes down to, and it is in the stillness that these messages can make themselves known.
