
If I Love My Baby

It’s impossible to put into words exactly how much I love Feather and Daisy. My favourite thing is to spend all my time with them, I enjoy them utterly. I love to play with them, feed them, walk them, hug and kiss them, take care of them, I love to make sure they have everything they need and I love to see them happy. If I love my baby even half as much as I love my dogs then that little girl is in for a real treat.


How Much I Love

Sometimes I can’t believe how much I love Feather and Daisy. My favourite thing is to be with them. Just looking at them makes me so happy, playing with them and taking care of them is amazing. What’s really amazing is how much they love me back. I’ve never been this loved before. They genuinely adore me. Whenever I marvel about it to Dylan he says, “Excuse me . ” And then he says very loudly and more slowly, “EXCUSE ME.” It’s his chopped liver voice. And I give him my you know what I mean face. H e gives me his actually no I don’t face. And the dogs gather wide-eyed and worried hectic around us yearning for hugs and pets and kisses, which we give them, all our hearts exploding.



Feather and Daisy fill me up with intense sensations of happiness and affection and colossal amounts of nearly unfathomable joy. They make my heart feel weightless, they make it float and explode. I love these two a hundredfold. Maybe I love them a thousandfold. All of the folds.



Just had a grand homecoming after running some errands. Daisy and Feather are my number one fans, almost to the point of desperation. Dylan said when I left they went into crisis mode and whimpered and wailed and wouldn’t settle down, Dylan had to hold Feather tightly for a while as she was shaking uncontrollably. Both dogs ran to every possible window and pawed the door and cried and took ages to become quiet. Then they absolutely lost it when I returned. It’s lovely, even heartbreaking, but I hope with time they can get to be a little less fervent, though I’ll admit being loved this deeply and missed this intensely does feel good. Dylan claims he loves and misses me just as deeply and intensely when I’m away and I said “Lol” and he said “I do” and then he pouted, as though the pout is sufficient to make the claim true.


New Dress

Daisy’s new outfit is a hit, I think it’s her best dress yet. Before she had a little pale blue gingham dress I thought was the best and before that she wore a miniature onesie that had pizza slices printed all over it and it was looking like the pizza onesie was the winner. We live in an industrial area surrounded by large trucks, construction and men at work. Every day the workmen shout, “Good morning Foster Mommy” and they call the dogs “Little Fosters.” I guess someone’s told them our whole life story. Along part of the walk we pass a fenced in lot where a large unhealthy Doberman barks his head off and menaces the girls. Daisy is terrified of the Doberman and always requests to be protected and carried. The Doberman has the dog version of a dad bod and he’s not really that scary, he’s just huge, especially compared to Daisy. He’s just doing his job. Feather gets all excited and gnashes her teeth, she expresses happiness and excitement in charming ways. Both girls are so incredibly sweet, they’re really great, I love them deeply and more every day.


From the Moment I Wake

Waking up to Feather and Daisy squished in bed with us gazing at me lovingly catapults me to another energetic plane. They’re so adorable and affectionate it’s almost too much for my heart. I didn’t think anything could come between me and Dylan but I got to hand it to these two, they’re like a dream come true. From the moment I wake up and see them, the day starts on a happy note.


The Breakfast Club

Mealtimes which used to be complicated are now enjoyable for all. I measure out precise amounts for XS, S, M sized dogs and I pile the portions. Then I sit in my big white chair on wheels with little Daisy protected in my lap so she can partake unabated. I place the bowls for Mizu and Feather to my right and left. Then all three dogs wolf the fuck out of their food in seconds flat like they never ate a damn meal in their lives. Makes me feel like I should refill their bowls because I didn’t give them enough, but I know that many domesticated dogs are vastly underexercised and overfed and so I resist. They’ll eat again at dinner and then they’ll also have another walk. Our new routine is so good. Waking up to these dogs is a delight. Walking them, playing with them, taking care of them, loving them, it’s game on. This is a dog bonanza. Dylan runs exuberantly around the house shouting, “Dogs! Dogs! Dogs!” Meanwhile Mizu be like yo what the fuck dude I thought I was your favourite dog who be these other two bitches.
