
How Deeply

How Deeply

One evening at a girlfriend’s house, we were discussing some bullshit in her kitchen. We talked as I watched her fill her dog’s water dish up, carefully pour it out, then fill it up again. She performed this action five times. The maneuverings occured with such an unthinking and measured precision it was almost like girlfriend didn’t even notice what was up. She didn’t skip beats. There was the air of ritual to it and she kept up with the chatting the whole time. When I interrupted to ask her what the fuck she was doing, she said she always did that because she’d bring upon herself “bad luck” if she didn’t. I asked her how deeply had she tested this theory. Like how about some time she didn’t do the whole fill the water dish slowly up, pour it out again, do this five times thing. No way! She said. Did I already forget about the “then there would be bad luck” part. Clearly all that careful filling and pouring didn’t protect her from being a crazy superstitious water-wasting basketcase but of course I didn’t say this thing. The moral of the story is that life is beautiful and people are weird. There might be more morals but those are for you to find and decide. I can’t do everything.


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