
And She Walks Away

When she says, “I’m fine,” she is not fine. If she says, “Nothing’s wrong,” everything is. When you’re fighting and she walks away, you must go after her. Everything takes effort, even love. The harder you love, the better love is. You cannot live if you don’t forgive. Everything good is on the other side of apathy and fear. Whatever you are putting off is the only thing that is important. Do what’s hard. Do what scares you. Talk to a stranger. Go somewhere new. Learn another language. Teach yourself an instrument. Take a class. Travel. Read. Turn off the TV. If you’re not ready to help make the world better, then keep quiet, and don’t complain. To stay young, you must stay positive. Bitterness is the same as death. Every day is a new chance to improve. If things get better or if things get worse is up to you.
