
Choose Love

Be nice to each other, forgive each other, love each other, and be kind. The world could use more love and kindness. The world is a sad and dark and lonely place for many, and the only way we can change that is if we all try harder. We must come together, we must all do our part to put forth a concerted effort to tip the balance. Evil is strong and evil will win but only if we let it. So be nice to each other, choose love, and be kind.


The Hardest Thing

The friends you have have a real impact on who you become. It’s better to have no friends if your friends are bad. The same goes for family. You can divorce your friends and family members, divorce is not only reserved for poor romantic partners. Sometimes it’s better to be alone. It’s harder, it’s lonelier, but sometimes, it’s better. Usually the hardest thing is the best thing because nothing good is ever easy. Good things lose value if you did nothing to deserve them, if you had no hand or part in the fact that they’re good. Good things take work and good things are earned. Don’t forget that.


Love Does Not Keep

No one is perfect. We don’t always do the best thing or the right thing. We sometimes do and say hurtful things. We cannot erase the past. We can only confess what happened and admit to being wrong. We can ask for forgiveness and try to act differently in the future. The best thing we can do with the failures of the past is to let them be history. Accept that they happened. Accept that it hurt and that it may still hurt. Acknowledge failure and ask for forgiveness. We can’t erase the past but we can accept it as the past. We can choose to live today free from the failures of yesterday through forgiveness. Because love does not keep a record of wrongs and love does not keep score. Forgiveness is the way of love. It is the choice to work together in order to move forward.


Not Just a Cliché

At the height of my pregnancy I weighed 139lbs and now just over two weeks postpartum I weigh 111lbs. My normal weight is about 105lbs. I’m not supposed to physically exert or do any high impact exercise until six weeks after my c-section and I’m still eating as much as I did when I was pregnant so all this rapid weight loss has happened naturally, mostly because I am exclusively breastfeeding. I was told one of the many benefits of breastfeeding is returning to your pre-pregnancy shape more quickly and they’re right. I look and feel great and so does my baby. I basically already have my figure back but with the added bonus that my breasts are fuller and larger. They are also functioning exactly as nature intended in order to perfectly nourish my child. They say breast is best and it’s true. This isn’t just a cliché, it’s a fact and it’s beautiful. Just FYI to anyone else out there on a similar journey.


Slay, Bitch

It’s wrong to be a freeloading mooch but it’s also wrong to be greedy and selfish. Be generous but don’t let people take advantage of you. Be nice and be kind but don’t be a doormat. Be good but don’t be boring. Be bad but don’t be a piece of shit. Also don’t forget to have fun. Life is a beautiful adventure, not some kind of unending punishment, or a goddamn funeral. So slay, bitch, slay. Living your best life is up to you, no one is going to do it for you.


To Do

Your to do list for today: Be cute, be happy, express yourself, just like this cat. Quit your bellyaching and have fun.


Light Bearer

Never let a miserable person ruin your day. Just be thankful you aren’t them, that you don’t have their life and that however imperfect your life is , yours is better, because you aren’t miserable. The only thing miserable people have going for them is to somehow affect you, don’t give them that power. Let miserable people stew in their own miserable juices. Misery loves company but so does happiness and so does love. It’s up to you what happens next, it’s up to you what happens now. Even if the world is falling apart around you, you can be a bearer of light. It’s up to you. Everything is up to you.


Let Them

If someone has a history of mistreating you, cut them from your life. I don’t care if it’s your best friend, your boss, your aunt, your grandfather, your sister or your son. Better to be alone than to be abused. Let them spew their hate elsewhere. Let them find another target. Let them pick on somebody else.
