
Get Some Exercise

If you’re feeling tired, uninspired, bored, depressed, lonely, annoyed, frustrated, flat, aimless, directionless or dull, you should exercise. You will feel better. A little bit of exercise does a body good, so just imagine a lot. Get some exercise, and don’t skimp on it. If you skimp on anything in this life, it should not be exercise. Put the work in, your body will thank you for it. Don’t just take my word for it, actually do it. It’s 100% worth the effort. The harder you challenge yourself, the greater your efforts, the better the results and the more it’s all worth. Trust me. I speak the truth. Exercise is the best cure all and it’s the best high, besides loving dogs.



An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t wait until you’re old and sick to start caring about how you look and feel. Do it now. Do not deprioritize your health and happiness. Health is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Don’t wait to start caring about trying to change the person you have become. Start by caring about the person you are. There really is no time like the present.


Life is a Gift

What are you putting off and avoiding doing? That’s what you should be doing now. What have you left undone and are trying to explain away? That’s what you should have already finished. What do you love that you wish you had more time for? That’s what’s not actually important to you at all. Define what matters to you and do it. If you’re not doing it then it doesn’t really matter to you does it. Stop making excuses and get to work. You have all the time you need, unless you waste it. Life is a gift, but it’s up to you to live.


Being Good

Pro tip: Men don’t be assholes and ladies by all means be a bitch, just don’t overdo it because there is such a thing as being too bitchy. Also if you don’t think I’m smart and funny we probably can’t be friends. If I don’t think you’re smart and funny we definitely can’t be friends. And if I haven’t said “I don’t like you” doesn’t mean I do. Also don’t be a freeloader or a user. Other people do not exist merely for you to take advantage of them. Also don’t talk my ear off about your problems, especially if you’re not going to take my advice, especially if you don’t actually want your situation to change or improve. Nothing is automatic in this world. Human relationships are complicated and difficult. They require constant maintenance, diligence, focus and hard work, but so does being good at anything, including being a good person.


Something Good

If everyone likes you, you’re too palatable, you’re playing it too safe, and following all the rules. If everyone hates you, obviously that’s also not cool. If some people love you, and some people hate you, and both sides are passionate, you’re probably onto something good. Keep going. Here’s looking at you.


Love is

It’s not what we do but how much love we put into our actions. Love is not found it’s created. You have to work hard to gain it and you have to work harder to maintain it. Once you stop trying loves starts dying. Remember that love is both a noun and a verb. Without action love is only a word.



Sometimes it’s hard to know what to think, what to say and what to do. Life is filled with ambivalent moments. If you’re ever uncertain whether what you want to say or do is right, think what you’d say or do if the person you love was with you. If you always imagine yourself in the company of those you care about, you’ll always be your best self.


The Only Way

The best leg up in this world is love and encouragement, with a parent’s love you can go far. If you have good parents, be thankful, don’t take that shit for granted. If you are a parent, be the best parent possible to your child, especially if your own parents sucked. Because the only way this world can ever be saved, and the only way this world can ever be worth saving, is if we all do better. Stop complaining about whatever nonsense and bullshit. Stop complaining, stop shifting responsibility to others, stop making excuses. Be better by doing better.


There Will Come

There will be people in your life who will try their hardest to make you as ugly as they are and you must never let them. Sometimes these people might actually be your friends and family, but just because they are friends and family does not always automatically make them right. There will come a time when you must decide both who and what is right for yourself. Sometimes your best self and your best life can’t actually begin until after you’ve made that decision.
