
The Light That Shines From Within

Go where you are celebrated, not just tolerated. If the people you are with in the place where you are can’t see your real value, it’s time for a new start. Then you can begin to live from the heart. Never let others dictate what you should look like, who you should be with, who you should be, or what you should do. This all is just another way of saying fuck the haters and don’t let the bastards get to you. Life is not for hiding away, worrying about what other people think, or being afraid. Purse first, hunties. Don’t let a goddamned thing stop you. Rise up, sally forth, conquer the day. Challenge all systems, look gorgeous and adorable, be brave and memorable, and always enjoy yourself while you slay.


Red Right Hand

Red right hand

I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know how life began or what consciousness is, or what all of this fucked up gorgeous shit is supposed to amount to, or what anything means. I do know however that life is too short to spend it feeling sorry for yourself, or worrying about some bullshit. Go out there and do shit. Learn, move forward, conquer, crush.

People have an almost absurdly difficult time taking responsibility when they should, saying “I’m sorry” when they should, without following a bogus sorriness up with still somehow trying to explain shit away, and ultimately blaming someone else. Take some goddamned responsibility. Say “I’m sorry” when you should be, and when you actually are, work to fix whatever shit went wrong. Say, “I’m sorry,” fix it, and move on.

Saying “I love you” seems hard for some. Just say it. When you feel it and mean it, fucking say it. Also, smile. Life isn’t a goddamned funeral, death is. Save your sadness and solemnness for that, right now you should get out there, be radiant, crush, and have some fucking fun. Love yourself, love others, learn as much as you can, give as much as you can, be brave, be incredible, and fucking enjoy shit.

The great meaning, the answer to being, living, the universe, and everything, the answer to all of this is individual, in other words, it’s motherfucking you. Live a tremendous life, fucking celebrate it, make it exciting. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy being alive and being you, because no one’s gonna do that shit for you. Also, call your mother. Tell her you love her, let her know how thankful you truly are. Because life’s a bitch, and your mom’s the baddest bitch by far.


Everything is Awesome



You gotta keep shit awesome. Shit doesn’t just stay awesome, awesomeness must be maintained. You must make things awesome. You must make yourself awesome. Don’t forget that even if things are good, things could still be better and you could always be more awesome.


Love, Learn, Listen

Love, Learn, Listen

If you don’t decide for yourself what is worth reading, thinking, saying, trying, achieving, doing, being, eventually someone else will make these decisions for you. Don’t let an imaginary authoritative other determine your life. Own your mind and body and heart. Love, learn, listen and give.




Don't Let The Bastards

Something may happen, it may be awful, or it may be amazing, or nothing will happen, which is actually the most common case. But you can’t spend your life being afraid. You will regret the things you didn’t do and the risks you didn’t take far more greatly than any mistakes you make. Without mistakes, you won’t grow, and often the most beautiful outcomes can be traced back to something unforeseen and unplanned, an accident, an error, a mistake. You can still fail but you can’t ever succeed, if you don’t do something. So do something, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Because being brave enough to act is what makes you good, and it’s what you do after you make a mistake that can make you great.


Listen to Your Art

Listen To Your Art

The thing you cannot see is the thing worth looking at. The thing you most fear doing is the thing you most need to do. Nothing ever succeeds which exuberant spirits have not helped to produce. Change the world by doing work you love. Open your heart. Listen to your art.



Jealousy to me is a kind of cancer. It’s a purely emotional blinding and obstruction from anything that counts. You are never going to be the smartest, coolest, richest, prettiest, skinniest, youngest, most special, or best. You only have so much time, so spend it carefully. Recognize jealousy for what it is, move through it, and past it, beat that shit. Enter into the good things. Enter into you. Think, love, create. Leave the blindness and obstruction behind you. Make something beautiful that can only come from you.
